Guest Blog: How to Decorate Your Home with Waste Materials

Nov 28, 2018by Jenny Zhu
We all have the habit of storing extra boxes, bottles and many things which we think will be useful someday. Who are we kidding? We all know we never use them, but we also don’t want to throw them away. Yes, it consumes a lot of space in the house. Don’t you want your house clutter free?

DIY Crafting

So, let's do some fun DIY, which will use all your favorite extras in the house and also give you something to decorate your lovely home at a very low cost. You can find these small materials on different websites and search for a discount code for the same on CouponsMonk to get those things at a discounted price.
Here are some great methods to create the best out of the waste:

6 Tshirts

Rug from Old T-Shirts:
Collect these things: 6-10 old t-shirts which you or your children don’t want to wear; fabric scissors; needle; and thread.
What to do:
 >Flatten the t-shirt on the floor and mark with chalk every two inches from the bottom stitch of the t-shirt.
 >Cut on each mark diagonally, attaining long pieces of fabric. Do this with all the t-shirts.
 >Now, start braiding by sewing 3 pieces and continue until you use all the pieces.
 >Start coiling the rug. Don’t make it too tight. It will lose its shape.
 >Continue with sewing it together. You can use a blanket stitch, and remember to start from the middle.
 >Weave the ends to the previous ring and sew to secure it.
Some advice: With 6 t-shirts, you can make a rug of approximately 18-inches diameter. If you want a bigger rug, you'll have to use more t-shirts.


Wall Hanging from Newspaper:
Collect these things: newspaper cut into strips; balloon; glue; ribbon or thread; paints (your favorite colors); and pin hook.
What to do:
 >Puff the balloons to medium size.
 >Make a mix of water and glue and brush it all over the balloon 2 to 3 times, barring the top spot.
 >Then stick all the newspaper cut (cut them in circles or any other design) to cover the entire surface.
 >Now let it dry; when it gets hard, pop the balloon with a pin.
 >After that start coloring it with your favorite color or you can leave it to give it newspaper style.
 >Fix the pin hook at the opened spot and hang it by ribbon or thread which is looped in the hook.
Some Advice: You can also add bulb or string lights inside it to give it a lamp effect.

Old Window Frame

Photo Frame from Old Window: 
Collect these things: old glass window; photos; invisible tape; hanging hook; and paint (optional)
What to do:
 >Find that old glass window from the garage, your storeroom, etc. Select your photos like your children, a recent trip, a wedding.
 >You can consider painting the window frame or leave it as it is to give a rustic look.
 >Choose a theme according to your photo, try mixing black and white and colorful images to give a fun look.
 >To make your photos fit inside each window pane, size the photos accordingly.
 >Use invisible tape to fix the photos inside each pane.
 >Cover the back side of the frame only if you find it necessary, or else leave it as it is.
 >Hang the frame with frame hanging hooks.
Some advice: In place of photos, you can also use some artwork or plants.

Fruit Crates

Storage Shelf from Fruit Crates:
Collect these things: fruit or wine crates; use glue; hooks; and paints according to your design.
What to do:
 >Collect all your fruit or wine boxes. Choose boxes in excellent condition. You can use the same or different sized ones.
 >Paint them with your favorite colors or leave it as it is.
 >You can stack them on the floor or hang them on the wall together or separately.
 >Get creative by grouping different sized boxes together in a non-uniform manner.
 >Fill them with books, showpieces or use them for storing random things. But remember, don’t over stuff; it will get cluttered.
Use different kinds of wallpaper in the background if you are painting your boxes. Try not to over fill, or it will look dominant.

vases and jars

Plant or Flower Vase from Empty Jars:
Collect these things: empty glass jar; flowers or plants; wood base; and holder
What to do:
 >Get all your empty pickle or jam jars; clean them all properly.
 >You can even paint it or stick some stickers to give a touch of your style.
 >Take a square wooden base and attach the jar in a diamond shape, with the help of a holder.
 >You can put your favorite flower or plant in it. You can also put some fertile soil and seeds at the bottom to grow herbs or plants.
 >Make at least four of them. Place these on an outdoor or a kitchen wall.
Some advice: It is not necessary to use the base, but it will give an elegant look. You can also use these jars as candle holders.
You can try all or some of the above to clean up your clutter and give your place your touch of style. They all are very pocket-friendly, and you will have a lot of fun while making them. This way, you can keep your favorite otherwise non-useful things with you.
Happy crafting!

About the Author:

Guest Blogger Arina ThoggyArina Thoggy is the free time writer and full-time internet surfer. She likes to work on making in-home life better in society. She lives like an entrepreneur to support her husband at the month ends.

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