Guest Blog: House Flipper Tips for Staging Your Home

May 6, 2020by Jenny Zhu
Staging your home isn’t just for when you are selling. Most homeowners can benefit from staging their home.
Staging your home is a great and easy way to not only make your home look better but also to make your space more functional.

House Flipper Tips For Staging Your Home

Another benefit of staging your home is it is easy and cheap to do! House flippers often use staging to make a home stand out to potential buyers and often see more offers come in for homes that are properly staged.
Use these house flippers tips to stage your home!
House Flipper Staging Tip #1 - Flow
When flipping a house, there is one thing that rattles around in a house flippers' mind. ‘Does this room flow?’  Flow, is simply where fashion meets function, or how easy it is to use this space.
Flow is making sure that not only the layout of the room makes sense, but that in the everyday living in a space, that things are laid out in a useful and easy way. That means not tripping over rugs, or ramming toes into couch corners. If you like to entertain it means not having friends and family elbow to elbow and bumping into each other.
So when staging your home, how can you maximize the flow of a space?

Does your new design have flow?

Hard Money Lenders In Arizona suggest purging your space of unnecessary clutter to make your space flow easier. With fewer things bulking up your space and stripping it down to the bare necessities it is a lot easier to establish a flow to a room.
Move your furniture against the wall will keep it from blocking your flow. This can be as easy as pushing back coaches into corners that don’t get visited or knocking down walls to make a more open kitchen to avoid traffic jams.
Another way to achieve flow in your space, with furniture, is by picking more open pieces. Pick pieces with openings, such as trendy shelving, to create a more open space, and keep room connected.

The home should be all about comfort

House Flipper Staging Tip #2 - Comfort
House flippers don’t just love open spaces, they also love telling a story through the rooms they stage.
They do this in a variety of ways, through light, color, and most importantly comfort. While the trendy white and gray spaces are modern, chic, and clean, they often can make a space feel cold and industrial.
This is why house flippers add little touches of comfort into space with their staging. With comfort touches, not only does a room feel more inviting, but it makes it feel more personalized to the potential buyers. House flippers can achieve this easily by adding little details in each room that will make it feel welcoming.
This can be as easy as placing soft fleece blankets on couches, or velvety pillows on chairs. Bedrooms can have comfort touches added with soft decorations, or stuffed animals in guest rooms. Bathrooms can have a sense of relaxation through easy touches of bright white towels, and a bathroom for a guest to use.
Comfort doesn’t just have to be a soft fabric, a sweet-scented candle lightly wafting in the room, will add a sense of comfort.
Pops of color, from flowers or thoughtful decorations, will make your space feel more welcoming and inviting. Muted pastels, such a baby blue, pink, and mint greens are soft and complementary with a wide array of colors. In rooms with mostly white or neutral tones, these colors will add great focal points to your space.

Add texture to your home

House Flipper Staging Tip #3  - Texture
Textures are one of the most important tips when staging your home. Textures add focal points to spaces and take a room from meh to extraordinary.
Mixing textures in your space is easier than most people think, and a favorite of house flippers everywhere. You can easily mix the textures of your space, with furniture, artwork, color, rugs, and more.
Before you start adding textures, it’s important to focus on the theme you want rooms to embody. From comfort, drama, unity, the right textures can make or break a room.
Rugs are a great way to add texture. A burlap rug can give a room beautiful texture and make it feel more earthy and inviting. These work especially well because of their neutral tone and complement many different types of floors, such as carpets or tiles. A faux fur rug in a bedroom is a great way to add a taste of luxury, comfort, and texture, into space. Mirrors are also a great way to add texture into rooms, as it makes it look larger, and can have a large variety of custom frames that add color and intensity.
Plants are another great way to add texture to space, from tall trees to sophisticated succulents, these make great focal points that draw your eyes almost immediately.
Curtains are also a great way to add texture to a room easily. From flowing sheers, to dramatic velvet, curtains are the perfect statement maker. When adding textures into your spaces, Private money lenders in Arizona always ask, ‘how can we make this space pop?’.
Staging your home is a great way to breathe new life into rooms, and make your home more functional. House flippers stage homes to make them more inviting and to sell faster, and make beautiful spaces. Follow these 3 house flipper tips when staging your home.
1. Flow: Where fashion meets function, flow is all about ease of use and how space works. Move furniture against walls, declutter, and pick open pieces to maximize your flow.
So, how will you stage your home? Let us know in the comments!

About the Author:

Guest Blogger Catherine WayCatherine Way graduated from Michigan State University with her Bachelor of Advertising, with a specialization in Graphic Design. She is a content marketer for business, mortgage, and real estate industries. She currently writes and reports for Prime Plus Mortgages - Phoenix Hard Money Loans.

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